Resume Writing Knowledge Institute

Navigating the ATS Maze.pdf

The Global Trend: Why Some Countries Reject Resumes with Photographs 

In an era of globalization and diversity, hiring practices around the world continue to evolve. One noticeable trend is the rejection of resumes with photographs attached. While including a photograph on your resume might seem like a standard practice in some countries, it is important to recognize that in others, this is strictly discouraged or even illegal. In this article, we will explore why some countries do not accept resumes with photographs and discuss the laws that underpin this practice.

One of the primary reasons some countries do not accept resumes with photographs is to ensure equality and non-discrimination in the hiring process. These nations recognize that including a photograph can potentially introduce biases based on an applicant's appearance, age, gender, race, or other personal attributes. By omitting photographs, these countries aim to promote a fair and objective evaluation of applicants based solely on their qualifications and experience.

 Countries such as the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom adhere to these principles and discourage the inclusion of photographs on resumes. Although it is not explicitly illegal to include a photo in these countries, it is widely discouraged to maintain fair hiring practices.

Unconscious bias refers to the subtle, often unintentional prejudices that people harbour, which can affect their decision-making. By not including photographs on resumes, countries aim to reduce the influence of unconscious bias during the hiring process. Research has shown that even seemingly harmless details, like an applicant's appearance, can unconsciously affect a hiring manager's decisions.

 For instance, Germany has strict laws against including photographs on resumes. This practice is in line with the country's commitment to equal opportunity and diversity in the workplace, as well as its desire to prevent unconscious biases from impacting hiring decisions.

Many countries have stringent anti-discrimination laws in place to protect job seekers from biases based on their characteristics. By discouraging or prohibiting photographs on resumes, these countries are aligning their hiring practices with their anti-discrimination laws. Austria, for example, has clear laws against including photographs on job application materials to ensure compliance with its anti-discrimination regulations.

A resume should primarily serve as a document highlighting an applicant's qualifications, skills, and experiences. Including a photograph can divert attention away from these crucial details, which is why some countries prefer to keep resumes focused on professional merits alone. Sweden is an example of a country that strongly advocates for photo-free resumes to ensure that applicants are evaluated based on their abilities rather than their looks.

By discouraging the inclusion of photographs on resumes, countries are taking steps to create a more inclusive job market. This approach ensures that individuals from diverse backgrounds are not unfairly disadvantaged during the hiring process. Switzerland, for instance, follows this practice to promote inclusive and equal opportunities for all applicants.


The rejection of resumes with photographs is a global trend aimed at promoting fairness, equality, and objectivity in the hiring process. Many countries recognize that including photographs can introduce biases and discrimination into recruitment decisions. By discouraging or even outlawing the practice of attaching photos to resumes, these nations emphasize the importance of evaluating candidates based on their qualifications and experience rather than their appearance. As a result, applicants should be aware of the specific hiring practices and laws in the countries they are applying to, as the acceptance of resumes with photographs can vary widely around the world.

Crafting Winning Resumes for IT and Tech Roles: A Guide by Crisp Writers

In today's fast-paced tech-driven world, landing a job in the IT industry is a coveted achievement. Employers are on the lookout for top talent to drive innovation, solve complex problems, and secure their digital assets. At Crisp Writers, we specialize in creating resumes that stand out in the competitive landscape of Software Developers/Engineers, Data Scientists/Analysts, and Cybersecurity Specialists. Let's delve into how we craft winning resumes for these high-demand roles by analyzing present job postings.

1. Software Developer/Engineer:

 Current Job Posting Analysis:

 Highlight Cutting-Edge Technologies: In the rapidly evolving tech landscape, companies are on the lookout for developers who are well-versed in cutting-edge technologies. Job postings frequently mention specific programming languages such as Python, JavaScript, and Java, which are highly sought after. Additionally, frameworks like React and Angular are emphasized, showcasing the demand for skills that drive modern web and mobile application development.

 Exciting Projects: The software development field is marked by its ever-exciting projects. Job postings emphasize the challenging and innovative nature of these projects. Developers are often tasked with building mobile applications that are reshaping user experiences, creating AI-driven solutions that harness the power of machine learning, or architecting cloud-based platforms that scale with the business. This highlights the need for developers who can not only code but also conceptualize and deliver on these transformative projects.

 Career Growth: Companies recognize the importance of nurturing talent from within. Many job postings explicitly mention opportunities for career growth within their organizations. From progressing to roles like Senior Developer, Team Lead, or Architect, to taking on more responsibility and leadership, these postings convey the commitment to helping developers advance their careers.

2. Data Scientist/Analyst:

 Current Job Posting Analysis:

Data-Driven Decision-Making: In today's data-centric world, companies are placing a premium on data-driven decision-making. Job postings consistently underscore the importance of this skill set. They look for candidates with expertise in data analysis, machine learning, and statistics, emphasizing the role these professionals play in shaping organizational strategies based on solid data insights.

 Meaningful Data Projects: Data Scientists and Analysts are often tasked with projects that involve turning raw data into actionable insights. Job postings describe projects that include data visualization, predictive modelling, and the extraction of valuable insights from large datasets. This highlights the practical application of data skills and their direct impact on business outcomes.

 Potential Impact: Employers understand the value of data professionals who can translate their work into tangible growth and revenue. Many job postings stress the potential impact Data Scientists and Analysts can have on the company's success. This emphasizes the need for candidates who not only possess technical expertise but can also communicate their findings effectively to non-technical stakeholders.

3. Cybersecurity Specialist:

 Current Job Posting Analysis:

 Critical Role: In an era of increasing cyber threats, companies prioritize safeguarding sensitive information. Cybersecurity job postings consistently emphasize the critical role these professionals play in protecting digital assets. They often mention skills such as network security, threat detection, and incident response, highlighting the essential nature of these responsibilities.

 Constant Learning: Cybersecurity is a field that never stands still. Job postings underscore the ever-evolving nature of this industry. Employers seek candidates who are committed to continuous learning and staying updated on the latest threats and security measures. This reflects the dynamic and rapidly changing landscape of cybersecurity.

 Certifications: Certifications are highly regarded in the cybersecurity field. Job postings frequently list certifications like CISSP, CompTIA Security+, or Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) as requirements or preferences. These certifications serve as indicators of a candidate's expertise and commitment to maintaining the highest security standards.

 In summary, job postings in the tech and IT industry provide valuable insights into the specific skills, experiences, and qualifications that employers are seeking. Crafting resumes that align with these job postings is crucial for effectively showcasing your suitability for the role and increasing your chances of landing a job in these competitive fields. At Crisp Writers, we use this in-depth analysis to tailor resumes that resonate with hiring managers and HR professionals in the tech and IT sector, helping our clients secure their desired positions.

Strategically Showcasing Transferable Skills: How to Address Job Gaps on Your Resume and LinkedIn Profile 

Showcasing transferable skills on your resume and LinkedIn profile is a powerful way to demonstrate your value to potential employers, especially when addressing job gaps. Transferable skills are those abilities and qualities that can be applied across various roles and industries. Here's how you can effectively showcase these skills:

On Your Resume:

On Your LinkedIn Profile:

When showcasing transferable skills for job gaps, it's essential to provide evidence of how you've successfully used these skills in various contexts. This not only makes your skills more tangible but also illustrates your ability to adapt and excel in different roles, which can be a valuable asset when addressing job gaps.

Navigating Excellence: Crafting a Stellar Research Resume for Success in India 

In the competitive landscape of research careers in India, a compelling resume is your beacon in the professional world. Whether you're in the vibrant academic circles of Mumbai or the research hubs of Bangalore, highlighting titles, publications, and conference details strategically can make all the difference. This article is your roadmap to crafting an impactful research resume that resonates with resume writers in India.

 Titles: Crafting a Distinct Professional Identity

Titles are more than just words on a resume; they are your professional identity. In India, where diversity in research fields is celebrated, your title speaks volumes. Instead of generic designations, opt for titles that mirror your expertise. For instance, replace "Researcher" with "Senior Bioinformatics Specialist" or "Environmental Science Research Lead."

Publications: The Heartbeat of Your Academic Journey

Publications are the tangible proof of your contribution to the academic realm. To effectively showcase your publications in your resume, follow these steps:

1. Create a Dedicated Section:

Allocate a distinct section for publications. This not only makes your resume organized but also ensures that your contributions are easily visible.

2. Consistent Formatting:

Maintain a consistent format for all publications. Include the title, authors, journal/conference name, publication date, and any additional relevant information.

3. Highlight Impact Factor:

If applicable, mention the impact factor of the journal. This provides a quick measure of the journal's influence in the academic community.

4. Use Action Verbs:

Begin each publication entry with strong action verbs to describe your role and contribution. For example, "Authored a groundbreaking paper on..." or "Co-authored a collaborative research study exploring..."

5. Relevant Details:

Tailor the details you provide to the position you're applying for. Highlight publications that align with the job requirements and showcase your expertise.

6. Link to Full Papers:

If possible, include hyperlinks to the full papers or provide a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for easy access. This adds a layer of convenience for potential employers or recruiters.

Conferences: Beyond Presentations

Conferences are not just about presentations; they signify your active participation in the academic community. Here's how to showcase conference details effectively:

1. Specify Your Role:

 Mention your role in the conference, whether you were a presenter, panellist, or organizer. This gives depth to your involvement.

2. Include Key Details:

Provide key details such as the conference name, date, and location. This offers context and demonstrates your commitment to staying informed and connected within your field.

3. List Noteworthy Conferences:

Highlight conferences that are particularly relevant to the position you're applying for. This ensures that your resume reflects your alignment with the organization's interests.

Structuring Your Resume: A Winning Blueprint

Now, let's discuss the ideal structure for a research resume that resonates with resume writers in India:

Keywords for Resume Writers in India

For resume writers in India, incorporate keywords such as "research excellence in India," "innovative research methodologies," and "contributions to Indian academia." Tailor your resume to align with the rich diversity and growth of research fields in India.

Conclusion: Elevating Your Research Resume for Success

Crafting a research resume that effectively showcases your titles, publications, and conference details is an art. In the diverse and dynamic research landscape of India, where excellence is celebrated, a meticulously crafted resume is your key to unlocking new opportunities. Invest time in refining your resume, tell a compelling story of your research journey, and watch as doors open to exciting prospects in the ever-evolving world of research.

Mastering Accounting Standards: A Job Seeker's Guide to Success 

Embarking on a career in accounting is an exciting journey filled with opportunities for growth and learning. However, the world of finance is governed by various accounting standards that may seem complex at first glance. In this article, we'll explore the essential accounting standards that every aspiring professional should consider mastering.

 Understanding the Landscape:

 The foundation of international financial reporting is built upon two main sets of standards: International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). While IFRS is globally accepted in over 140 countries, including the European Union, Canada, and Australia, GAAP is specific to the United States.

Key GAAP Standards to Master:

Choosing the Right Path: For professionals aiming to work in specific regions, understanding the local accounting standards is crucial. Here are two examples:


 In conclusion, aspiring accounting professionals should tailor their learning journey based on their career goals and geographical preferences. A solid grasp of both international and local standards enhances a professional's adaptability and marketability. Continuous learning, staying updated with amendments, and seeking practical experience will contribute to a successful and fulfilling career in the dynamic field of accounting.

Navigating the Evolving Labor Landscape: Adapting to Technological Advancements

The European labor markets have undergone profound transformations since the early 1980s, redefining conventional notions of employment, unemployment, and work-life equilibrium. This article explores salient characteristics that have emerged within European labor markets, encompassing the ascendancy of marginal employment, heightened labor mobility, innovative retirement trajectories, and amplified work flexibility. These dynamics have blurred the demarcation lines between traditional work paradigms, offering both prospects and challenges to individuals striving to navigate their professional paths within this dynamic milieu.

Part 1: Shifting Dynamics in European Labor Markets

The European labor landscape has experienced a tectonic shift since the early 1980s. Marginal employment, typified by part-time or temporary roles, has ascended to prominence. This transformation is attributed to evolving corporate requisites, cost imperatives, and labor market regulations. Concurrently, labor mobility has surged, propelled by globalization, technological strides, and mutable skill prerequisites. Conventional retirement conventions have been disrupted, yielding novel retirement trajectories such as phased retirement and post-retirement work. Factors like increased life expectancy and pension system alterations have fueled this transformation. Additionally, a surfeit of flexible work arrangements, spanning flexible hours, remote work arrangements, and self-employment, has granted individuals autonomy while concurrently presenting challenges related to job security and work-life equilibrium.

Part 2: Influential Factors in Labor Market Transitions

The International Labor Organization (ILO) discerns the pivotal role of labor market transitions in the realm of future work. These transitions encompass fluxes between employment, unemployment, and inactivity, alongside transits between formal and informal sectors and shifts across diverse industries or vocations. An array of factors exerts influence over these transitions:

Part 3: Technological Advancements Reshaping Industries and Occupations

Technological advances have markedly transformed an array of industries and job roles across Europe. Below are illustrative instances:

Part 4: Preparing for the Future of Work

In the backdrop of these burgeoning technological advances, individuals can prudently navigate the future of work by adopting the following proactive strategies:

Part 5: Leveraging Strong Resumes and LinkedIn Profiles  

In the milieu of this ever-evolving job landscape, the strategic deployment of a meticulously crafted resume and a compelling LinkedIn profile can serve as indispensable assets for job seekers. These pivotal tools facilitate differentiation and meaningful connections in an increasingly digital professional realm:

1. Resume: An impeccably tailored resume serves as a succinct dossier, spotlighting your competencies, experiences, and achievements. It should be meticulously crafted to not only underscore your qualifications but also underscore your adaptability in response to technological progression. Deploy industry-relevant keywords and accentuate your capacity for continued learning and adaptation.

2. LinkedIn Profile: A professionally cultivated LinkedIn profile empowers you to foster valuable networks, exhibit your expertise, and stay apprised of industry trends. Regular updates should reflect your latest skills, project involvements, and triumphs. Active participation in industry-relevant LinkedIn groups and contributions to discussions showcases your commitment to staying technologically current.


The future of work in Europe is an intricately woven tapestry, woven by evolving labor market dynamics and the rapid cadence of technological advancements. While these metamorphoses proffer a bounty of advantages, including augmented productivity and a heightened quality of life, they concurrently necessitate unwavering adaptability and ongoing skill enhancement from individuals. By actively absorbing knowledge, perpetually improving their proficiency, cultivating a proactive attitude toward learning and adaptation, and capitalizing on potent tools like meticulously constructed resumes and LinkedIn profiles, individuals can not only flourish within this dynamic milieu but also engender growth and prosperity within European labor markets. Embracing the future of work necessitates the embrace of lifelong learning and an unflinching commitment to personal and professional enrichment within an era marked by ceaseless technological evolution.

Mastering the Art of Employability: Harnessing Hard and Soft Skills for Career Success

In today's competitive job market, possessing a robust set of skills is essential for securing your dream job and thriving in your chosen career path. Skills are the building blocks of your professional journey, enabling you to perform tasks, solve problems, and adapt to changing workplace dynamics. They can be broadly categorized into two main types: hard skills and soft skills, each bringing its unique value to the table. In this comprehensive article, we will explore the significance of both hard and soft skills in the context of employability, backed by data from the International Labour Organization (ILO).

 The Duality of Skills

Skills, in essence, are the capabilities that empower individuals to excel in their roles, whether in the realms of technology, communication, leadership, or creativity. They play a pivotal role in shaping our professional lives and influence our capacity to meet the demands of today's job market. Understanding the two primary categories of skills is essential for crafting a career strategy that aligns with your goals and the demands of your chosen field.

Hard Skills: The Measurable Competencies

Hard skills, often referred to as technical skills, are tangible and quantifiable abilities that can be acquired through education, training, or hands-on experience. They are the specific tools in your professional toolkit, honed to perform particular tasks or duties. Examples of hard skills encompass a wide spectrum, including programming languages, data analysis, project management, foreign language proficiency, and industry-specific knowledge.

ILO Data Insights on Hard Skills: According to the ILO, hard skills continue to be a critical factor in employability worldwide. Industries such as information technology, engineering, and healthcare consistently demand individuals with specialized hard skills. In 2022, the global job market saw a surge in demand for hard skills like digital marketing (a 215% increase), data analysis (a 180% increase), and cloud computing (a 95% increase). These figures underline the evolving nature of job requirements and the increasing emphasis on hard skills in various sectors.

Soft Skills: The Personal Attributes

On the other side of the skills spectrum lie soft skills, often described as interpersonal or people skills. These are less tangible but equally vital qualities that reflect your character, attitude, and ability to interact effectively with others. Soft skills encompass a diverse range of attributes, including communication, teamwork, adaptability, creativity, leadership, and emotional intelligence.

ILO Data Insights on Soft Skills: The ILO's data emphasizes the growing recognition of soft skills in the modern workforce. In a survey conducted across 20 countries, 85% of employers highlighted the importance of soft skills in driving workplace success. Among the most valued soft skills were communication (78% of respondents), teamwork (68%), and adaptability (64%). The data underscores the fact that irrespective of industry or job role, soft skills are universally prized by employers as they contribute to positive workplace dynamics and overall productivity.

 The Intersection of Hard and Soft Skills

While hard and soft skills are often presented as distinct categories, their synergy is what truly sets individuals apart in the job market. The ability to combine technical proficiency with effective communication, teamwork, and adaptability creates a well-rounded professional capable of tackling complex challenges.

 The Significance of Skills in Getting a Job

The relevance of skills in securing employment cannot be overstated. Employers seek candidates who possess not only the technical prowess to excel in their roles but also the interpersonal finesse to collaborate seamlessly with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders. Skills are the currency of the job market, and your proficiency in them significantly influences your employability.

ILO Data Insights on Employability: Data from the ILO's global labor market analysis reveals that skills are a key determinant of employability. In 2022, the global unemployment rate stood at 5.8%, showcasing the competitive nature of the job market. However, individuals equipped with in-demand skills are better positioned to secure employment. For instance, the ILO's data highlights that professions requiring specialized hard skills, such as data science and cybersecurity, experienced lower unemployment rates than average.

 The Ever-Evolving Skill Landscape

The dynamic nature of the job market necessitates a commitment to lifelong learning and skill development. In an era characterized by rapid technological advancements and shifting industry trends, staying relevant requires a proactive approach to skills enhancement.

Acquiring Hard Skills:

Developing Soft Skills:

Showcasing Your Skills to Employers

Effectively presenting your skills to potential employers is crucial in the job application process. Here are strategies for showcasing your skills on your resume and LinkedIn profile:

On Your Resume:

On Your LinkedIn Profile:


In a rapidly evolving job market, skills are your competitive edge. Whether they are hard skills acquired through education and training or soft skills developed through interpersonal interactions, both categories contribute to your overall employability and success in your chosen field. Embrace lifelong learning and adaptability to stay relevant, and don't underestimate the power of effectively showcasing your skills to potential employers. The data from the International Labour Organization (ILO) underscores the importance of skills in employability, making it clear that investing in skill development is an investment in your future. So, start building your skills portfolio today and open the door to a world of professional opportunities.

Mastering HR: Essential Skills and Qualities for Success in Human Resources 

HR professionals are judged by a selection committee based on various factors and criteria that assess their qualifications, skills, and suitability for the role. Here are some common criteria and considerations that a selection committee may use when evaluating HR professionals:

Ultimately, the specific criteria and their weight in the evaluation process can vary depending on the organization, the level of the HR position, and the unique demands of the role. The selection committee's goal is to identify HR professionals who not only have the necessary qualifications but also align with the organization's values and needs.

Selecting Top Sales and Marketing Professionals Across Diverse Industries 

In today's dynamic business landscape, the role of sales and marketing professionals is crucial for driving growth and maintaining a competitive edge. However, the specific qualities and expertise required to excel in these roles can vary significantly depending on the industry. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the criteria for selecting the best sales and marketing professionals across three distinct industries: Information Technology (IT), Consumer Goods, and Service companies. By understanding the unique demands of each sector, organizations can make more informed hiring decisions and build high-performing sales and marketing teams.

Selecting Sales and Marketing Professionals for an IT Company

The Information Technology industry is characterized by rapid advancements, complex solutions, and ever-evolving client needs. To identify the best sales and marketing professionals for an IT company, consider the following criteria:

Selecting Sales and Marketing Professionals for a Consumer Goods Company

Consumer goods companies focus on tangible products that consumers purchase for personal use. When hiring sales and marketing professionals for this industry, consider the following criteria:

Selecting Sales and Marketing Professionals for a Service Company

Service-oriented companies thrive on providing intangible offerings such as consulting, healthcare, or financial services. To identify the best sales and marketing professionals for a service company, consider the following criteria:

Common Criteria Across Industries

While the criteria for selecting sales and marketing professionals can vary by industry, several factors are universally essential:

In conclusion, selecting top sales and marketing professionals requires a thorough understanding of the industry's specific demands and the ability to identify candidates who possess the right mix of skills, experience, and cultural fit. By carefully assessing candidates based on these criteria, organizations can build sales and marketing teams that drive growth, enhance brand presence, and maintain a competitive edge in their respective industries.

Crafting an Outstanding Resume for U.S. University Admission: Your Path to Academic Success

When it comes to applying for admission to a U.S. university, your resume plays a significant role in presenting your qualifications, experiences, and achievements. Unlike job resumes, which focus on professional work experience, a university admission resume is a tailored document that highlights your academic accomplishments, extracurricular activities, and personal qualities. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the essential steps to create an exceptional resume that sets you apart from other applicants.

 Understanding the Importance of a University Admission Resume

Admissions officers receive thousands of applications, and your resume provides a concise summary of your qualifications, helping them quickly assess your suitability for their institution. A well-crafted resume can make a significant difference in the admission process.

1. Resume Structure and formatting. Length and Clarity

Your admission resume should be concise and easy to read. Aim for a one-page document that presents your information. Use a clean, professional font and ensure consistent formatting throughout.

B. Sections

Divide your resume into clear sections to organize your information effectively:

2. Tailoring Your Resume 

Each university has unique admission requirements and priorities. Research the specific program and institution you're applying to and tailor your resume to align with their values and expectations. Highlight experiences and achievements that demonstrate your fit for the program.

3. Highlighting Your Academic Achievements

Your academic record is a crucial part of your application. Include relevant information such as:

4. Extracurricular Activities and Leadership Roles

Admissions officers are interested in your involvement outside of the classroom. Showcase your extracurricular activities, emphasizing leadership roles, teamwork, and the impact you've had on your school or community.

5. Work Experience

If you have work experience, include it on your resume, especially if it's relevant to your intended major. Describe your responsibilities, achievements, and how the experience has shaped your academic and career goals.

6. Skills and Certifications

Highlight any skills or certifications that set you apart. For example, language proficiency, programming skills, or certifications in relevant areas.

7. Honors and Awards

List any academic or non-academic awards or recognitions you've received. Be sure to include the name of the award, the granting organization, and the date.

8. Proofread and Edit

Errors in your resume can leave a negative impression. Proofread your document carefully, checking for spelling and grammatical mistakes. Consider having someone else review it as well.

9. Honesty is Key

Be honest and transparent in your resume. Misrepresentation of achievements or experiences can harm your chances of admission.

10. Keep it Current

Update your resume regularly to reflect new accomplishments and experiences. It should always provide an accurate snapshot of your qualifications.


Crafting a compelling resume for U.S. university admission is a critical step in your academic journey. It allows you to present yourself in the best possible light, showcasing your achievements, skills, and passion for your chosen field of study. Take the time to tailor your resume to each institution you apply to, highlighting the qualities and experiences that make you a strong candidate.

Remember that your resume is just one part of your application. Combine it with a well-written personal statement, strong letters of recommendation, and a complete application package to increase your chances of securing admission to your dream university. Good luck on your academic journey!

Creating a strong university admission resume requires careful consideration of your experiences and how they align with your academic goals. By following these guidelines, you'll be well on your way to creating a resume that makes a positive impression on admissions officers and increases your chances of gaining admission to your desired U.S. university.

How to Write a Stand Out Resume

Have, you left your job !

You took a few weeks vacation to complete all the chores you had been putting off. Now, you are ready to don your suit to get a job and you noticed that every opportunity is stormed by hundred of jobseekers.

These opportunities are guarded by gatekeepers, who are gazing and scrutinizing each and every wielded resume. You resume may be stacked outside the gate. But, to get in the gate, you need to write a resume that stands out from the other jobseekers.

Let's learn the framework of writing a standout resume.

Why do you need a standout resume?

If you believe that you will land the job you want, you absolutely need a resume. Technology is dramatically advanced for the last few decades. Jobseeker have their social selling profiles, blogs and portfolios, but the fact is that if you don't have a standard resume, there is less chances of being seriously considered for a job.

Your resume must meet the minimum bar of professionalism.


Determine what type of resume will show your skills, competencies and experience in the best possible light. 

Primarily, there are three types of resume viz:

These resumes help employers to scan easily to find the actual information they are looking for. 

Traditional resume formatting are the best fit for an Application Tracking System (ATS), as ATS software has limitations and unusual resumes can cause problems in reading your resume.

A chronological resume highlights your work experience. The main restraint is that a summary of your skills and achievements is omitted in this type of resume.  It is the best for the candidates who have strong work history without any major employment gaps.

A functional resume highlights your skills only and omit the crucial information like work experience, volunteer experience and education. It emphasizes to communicate professional competencies with the help of experience summary.   These resumes are never trusted by employers and we never recommend such type of resume.  

A combination resume highlights your skills, experience and education.  No relevant information is omitted in such resumes and it is a combination of a chronological and a functional resume.  A combination resume work for most of the people for most of the time.  A combination resume is an excellent choice for career changers, recent graduates, jobseekers who have gaps in their work history, employees who have held several jobs in short tenure, jobseekers who feels that their skills from their previous jobs are quite relevant for their job application and for high-tech jobs, where it is necessary to emphasise the important technical skills in such a way that is easy to see at a glance.

Hybrid Resumes

How to Optimize your Resume


ATS is a software programme, which eases the hiring process for Hiring Managers.  The application of the software wade through piles of resumes. These softwares are very expensive, so they are really helpful for large employers, who hire often. 

Based on our experience of writing resumes for plenty of job seekers, only few of them are looking to apply to Fortune 500. If you are applying to a large company or a job search engine, there is greater likelihood that the employer will scan applications through an ATS. If you submit resume online, you can recognize the ATS software's name in the address bar of your browser.  If you are not sure whether the employer is using ATS software or not, then it would be appropriate of sending two versions of your resume, one designed for a human reader and another for an Application Tracking Software.  

Many companies are now-a-days taking advantage of LinkedIn by integrating ATS for tracking their candidates, when it comes to recruitment of talent. Linkedin provides employers with single user interface only.   It helps employers to scan candidate profiles without wasting time on switching between systems as and when a job opens up.


Applications of all candidates from every region are obtained by the Universities for different study programmes. These applicants should consult their concerned University or College's individual programme web pages, where qualification requirement for the programme is published, before sending their application with resumes to them.

The candidates, who apply for a study programme either already possesses the required qualification or expect to obtain these before commencement of the study programme.  They are  required to fulfil all academic qualifications before they can be considered for enrolment.  For this purpose, universities invite applications with resumes, which can demonstrate their eligibility (or potentially eligibility) for enrolment.  They need to ensure that their resumes must showcase the subject studied, their grades or predicted grades for any qualifications pending completion, when they submit their applications and resumes; it is not the obligation of colleges to request for this information, where it is missing.  Language qualification is also considered very important; it is the medium of communication in a nutshell.

Recommendation letters and references also play a pivotal role in deciding whether an applicant is called for interview and in determining whether an offer is made or not. 

Mastering ATS Integration: Elevate Your Hiring Game with Tips from Crisp Writers 

Embarking on the quest for the perfect Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and seamlessly integrating it with your existing HR tools is akin to orchestrating a symphony of efficiency in your recruitment processes. Today, we delve into the intricacies of five standout ATS solutions—FreshTeam, OorWin, TalentRecruit, TalentOrb, and CEIPAL—and explore the transformative benefits of integrating these systems with your HR tools.

1. FreshTeam: Elevating the Hiring Experience

FreshTeam doesn't just streamline hiring; it crafts a comprehensive cloud-based solution that seamlessly integrates the entire hiring and onboarding journey. Fueled by the power of artificial intelligence (AI), FreshTeam's resume parsing feature ensures the automatic extraction of vital details, creating an organized and searchable candidate database.

2. OorWin: The Integrated Talent Management Powerhouse

OorWin emerges as an integrated platform, offering ATS, CRM, and HRMS functionalities for end-to-end talent management, especially catering to staffing and consulting firms.

3. TalentRecruit: Elevating Talent Acquisition with AI Precision

TalentRecruit is a cloud-based and AI-powered ATS that excels in talent acquisition, providing a suite of features designed to find, engage, and hire the best talent.

4. TalentOrb: Simplifying Recruitment for SMBs

TalentOrb is a cloud-based ATS designed to streamline recruitment processes, especially catering to the needs of small and medium-sized businesses.

5. CEIPAL: Accelerating Recruitment into the AI Era

CEIPAL is a cloud-based ATS designed to expedite the hiring process, leveraging AI across various stages of recruitment.

Benefits of Integrating ATS with HR Tools:

Integrating your chosen ATS with HR tools isn't just a tech adoption; it's a strategic move with profound benefits.

Considerations When Choosing ATS Integration for HR Tools:

Navigating the Integration Journey:

In conclusion, envision a workplace where data seamlessly flows, processes are optimized, and decisions are empowered by comprehensive insights. The integration journey is not just about adopting technology; it's about creating a synergy that enhances your overall HR and recruitment capabilities. Here's to a seamless integration journey and the transformative power it brings to your workforce management! Happy recruiting!

Resume and Job Applications affecting the job prospects.

Impact of Resume


Well, there are jobs, but everybody assumes that there are no jobs these days. I have gone through data of CMIE - a private company, which shows that there is approximately 8% people are unemployed; unemployment rate varies from 3.9% to 32% in different states. So, admittedly, there are not enough jobs or vacancies to fix our distressing unemployment situation. 

Yeah, I think I know what you want.  You want me to tell you about how to write a stand out resume. Definitely, I would love to give you an outline or template to tell you how to write it or how to write a winning resume.

Now, here's the story: you need a job and you wish to secure an interview with some HR Manager or employer, who has the power to hire you.  You can understand that they are busy people, and they cannot spend all day doing interviews. As you are aware of it, you put forward someone on ahead of you, to plead your suitability for the desired job.

Actually, 'someone' is not a person but a piece of paper. This piece of paper is known as Resume or its near cousin CV (curriculum vitate is latin name for "the course of my life") .  You send your resume on ahead of you, to represent your suitability for desired job.

Employers read a lot of words in your resume, which helps them to sketch a picture of you in their imagination. They visualise you. But, the major question is whether they visualize you as a competent worker. Do your resume visualize you as energetic, joyful, team player or not ?  As honest, or not?

Now they have read everything about you. But they can't turn their imaginations off, just because you have put forth a piece of paper (resume) you sent on ahead of you.

Now, the important point is that will your words will be effective to paint a perfect sketch of you which can determine whether they invite you in, or not.  An employer of large company usually takes 4 seconds to 15 seconds to scan a resume to search for a perfect sketch of the jobseeker.  The average is 8 seconds.  

Eight seconds !  Yikes ! They quickly scan titles in a sequence that they want to read the first, middle and the bottom of your resume. 

So, the top third of your resume must showcase an outline of who you are.  The remaining two-third can cover all other things that you have to say for yourself.

I am giving you a brief summary of the steps to write a great resume:

Step 1:  Profile Synopsis

Step 2:  Skills

Step 3:  Experience 

Step 4: Accomplishments

Step 5: Education

Step 6: Trainings



Your online application or resume should be unequivocal to hide any time gap on your resume but you can strategize to detract attention of your employer. However, your hiring managers can still ask questions about unemployment gaps. These things are to be prepared well in advance while preparing to explain employment history. You can say that you were polishing your skills and gaining necessary experience or you took time off from work to take care of a family member, etc. It should be emphasised with enthusiasm that you are now ready to get back to work. But it is very difficult when the gap is due to a layoff or termination. 

If it is layoff because of bankruptcy of company, explain that with honesty because hiring managers will understand that reality. It is also advised to avoid tempting and stretching the truth. Avoid criticising your previous employer. You can humbly state that “it is not a good fit”, “you. You need to strategize that hiring manager should shift to conversation from reasons for leaving your last job to how you can spin each opportunity into a great spin. It is not worrisome that you have unemployment gap, but it is essential that you have required job experience, which is very necessary for a healthy career. 

Nevertheless of why an unemployment gap happened, the critical part is to be prepared to make the most of it by utilising the time to improve your professional skills, life and livelihood.


What is ATS?

ATS means 'Applicant Tracking System', which have Resume Robots to help recruiters in seamless hiring.  It scans and filters resumes and search for the best talent before a human reader actually go through them manually.

It weed out resumes which don't demonstrate the appropriate skills, experience and qualification in line with the job description.

How to comply with the ATS requirement.


Keywords OR Key Words

The new wrinkles of our era, regarding standout resumes, is keywords. Articles after articles on internet have created a hype of keywords i.e. key words; dictionary spells the term in two separate words. So, throughout this section, I will spell it as two words.

Everybody thinks that it is because of softwares and scanning, the key words shall be placed near the top of your resume.  And it's a great technique to attract software only.  But not solely. Eventually the eyes of a human are going to scan your resume.  

Definitely, it's a peculiar task to place key words in bold strokes near each heading section of your resume. A standout resume have key words, like all other words on your resume. I have gathered that too many job hunters feel that their keywords are a separate animal. No, these are just words, which are key to showcase an employer what you have or who you are for the required job.


You did not come to this blog for a good read. You came because you are facing seiour challenges in your professional life. It's not about the work profiles, which have changed dramatically in the past two years, but nothing has changed so much, the way companies recruit.

In this article, you are going to learn how to write a standout resume that really works. I teach you about writing a standout resume, a knockout resume that will land you to a new job, plus you will learn the strategies for your job search, interviews and career management.

First, understand that your employer just want to mint money. They hire to enhance their profitability. So, you can showcase with examples that how you identified the problems within the area of your responsibility and how you prevented & resolved the problems through a mere piece of paper i.e. your resume.

No resume is read, no one gets an opportunity for an interview, if someone cannot resolve the problems.


I Don't know what I want but I need a resume? 

Some aspirants may be wondering how can we prepare a resume for them, if they do not know, what to do next. In such cases, we apply the most successful approach of 'all purpose resume' that highlights your skills, professional experience and accomplishments, etc. in an organised way or language employers can easily understand.

What is a good resume?

A good resume is a resume, which can motivate the reader to read it and dial the telephone number you have placed on your resume.  Actually, dialling a mobile number is more easy than meeting in person.  If you are relocating, then put a local phone number on your resume.

A good resume is able to paint a perfect picture of you with your skills, experience and accomplishments, etc. in a way that an employer would like to meet you.

What is the role of ATS resume in getting job?

The nature of jobs and workplace has been changing with advancement in technology.  Employers do not want to read any resume until they have to. With invent of ATS Software technology, the resumes does not go straight to a manager but they land to a database.  The database management system helps to pick and chose the relevant job application according to specific job descriptions and priorities of the employer.

Whenever an employer searches for a resume in database or reads your resume, he is searching an employee in you, who can solve a problem. It works when it matches skills, experiences and priorities of the prospective employer.


Don’t Forget To:

Confirm the location of the interview

• Arrive 10-15 minutes early

• Bring extra copies of your resume

• Smile and greet the interviewer

• Make an eye-contact

• Send a thank-you note or email after the interview 


Job description of Resume is as important as is your work

You should have worked as per the work experience mentioned in your resume.


How can you make the first impression and convince your employer to take some time to read your resume? 


The letter must contain following information:-


Resume for Federal Jobs


We think of the Federal Resume as an argument -  we put forward the best possible argument as to why you are the best candidate for the position you are applying for.

The key features of our argument are :

Usage of short paragraphs, rather than bullets

Application of keywords and key phrases (all in CAPS) of the job description, at the left-hand side.

Highlights accomplishment stories as separate from job description. 

Strategic selection of keywords and key phrases, backed by evidence in supporting paragraphs. 


Europass Resume is the best resume format to apply in Europe for employment and studies. This type of resume is familiar to employers and education Institutions. Such resumes are accepted in Europass XML Format, PDF Format with the XML attached. Europass web services helped to collect information and sort out resumes with the help of their Web API / Software in an automated way.  


STEP 1: Assess your

STEP 2 : Exploring career

STEP 3 : Developing Skills to